Web山 三浦寺、瑞龍山 善慶寺、瑞雲山 龍王寺世路図人生相談ヒトナビ


English/personal history blog started

English/personal history blog started


英文・自分史 ブログ 開始


三浦氏の家紋  Miura family crest



March 22, 2016  Eshin Miura  Nitizyou

2016322日   三浦恵伸(えしん)日常



Close-up  近影



Shingyou Dojo  信行道場 


Returning to the Mountain Ceremony   帰山式


Memorial service for the 700th anniversary of the founder of the sect Iwate

Prefecture宗祖700遠忌 岩手県管内法要


A serial retrospective of 50 years.

This is the reason why I became involved in the restoration of Ryuo-ji Temple. 





S42, 2, 19 From Menda-cho, Kuma-gun, Kumamoto (merged "Menda-cho, Kuma-gun → Asagiri-cho, Kuma-gun"), became a disciple of Shibasaki Keiji, chief priest of Senjuin Temple in Kamaishi City, Iwate Prefecture.


 S42,2,19 熊本県球磨郡免田町《合併「球磨郡免田町球磨郡あさぎり町」》から、岩手県釜石市の仙寿院住職・芝崎惠璋猊下に入門。



What did you suddenly come to Tohoku for? It became a theme.

Fate begins to appear soon, and every day is tough.





When I asked my mother, who was washing rice in the kitchen sink, "Isn't it better to go to Kamaishi?" I will come," he replied.



(Cutout by Mr. Hiroaki Matsumoto)


I was greeted by my master at the ticket gate of Kamaishi Station. At that time, there were about five large chimneys of Yawata Steel Works.






(Cutout by Mr. Hiroaki Matsumoto)



At the age of 20, Reimu attends Rissho University in Tokyo.

A Japanese sword and a straight sword stand side by side, next to the characters "Miura Dainagon Tokimitsu".

This is a problem of Japanese history and public-martial conflict. However, Mr. Miura does not have Dainagon. I felt the history behind it, and since then, I have held memorial services.







The photo is of the Icho (Kumamoto) Castle castle tower. (When I was in the first year of junior high school)

The type you want to try yourself? "In the past, things were loose." It's impossible now because I'm being watched.




写真は、銀杏(熊本)城 天守閣  武者返しの石垣登り、やはり途中でリタイア。(中学1年生の頃)

 自分で試したいタイプ? 昔は、色々緩かった。今は監視されているから不可能です。


