Web山 三浦寺、瑞龍山 善慶寺、瑞雲山 龍王寺世路図人生相談ヒトナビ


English / Honeymoon / Entering Zenkeiji TempleApril   9, 2016

English / Honeymoon / Entering Zenkeiji TempleApril   9, 2016 


英文・新婚旅行・善慶寺入寺    201649 



S55.6 On our honeymoon, we went to Higashikawa-cho, Hokkaido, my mother's birthplace, to visit the grave. I'm with Aunt Kiyuku Yoneda, who came from Kyushu and took great care of her mother.

It will be the first time in 70 years that her mother will be visiting her hometown. 


 S55.6 新婚旅行は、母の出生地、北海道東川町に墓参を兼ねて行きました。九州から母と大変お世話になった、米田キユク伯母さんと一緒です。




For the past three months, I have been writing letters to the boards of education and temples in Asahikawa and Higashikawa, inquiring about the whereabouts of Yukihiro Nitahara, a pioneer in the Meiji Era, and his grave.





Asahikawa City Board of Education Chairman Toshikichi Nitahara replied, "The grave you asked for is next to my family's grave in Higashikawa Town's public cemetery."





There was a teacher's house in the neighborhood of writer Ayako Miura. I accompanied him to Higashikawa and visited his grave. There are two stone monuments in which her grandfather transcribed some sutras. The bottom row meant the earliest settlers.





When I went to the Nitahara family, a relative of the teacher, I had lunch with Jingisukan hotpot. It was soft and delicious with no smell.





When I went to the area where my grandfather's house was, my mother suddenly said, "I remembered. I remembered the scene where I passed through the foothills of the rice field, brought snacks, and delivered them to my parents."





In 56, he became the chief priest of Zenkeiji Temple in Yamada Town by order of his teacher. When I traced the ancestors of Mr. Shinobu Iwama, the head valedictorian who welcomed me, I was connected to his wife Mr. Iwama, and I felt a connection here as well.




After a while, I had another strange dream.   





Yamada Bay is viewed from the cherry tree side of the precincts. There are no concrete seawalls or aquaculture racks. It's an old scenery that I've never seen before, so I may have stood on this ground in my previous life.






