1)From electrified to spiritualized: A Nichiren Buddhist inspired societal paradigm shift
By Reverend Eshin Miura
Zenkei-ji Temple, Yamada-machi, Iwate, Japan.
Or―Nichiren Buddhism special head temple Myokenji 48th
Nichiren Buddhism Iwate Prefecture Missionary Association Chairman
1)電化から霊化 社会へ:日蓮仏教がもたらす
三浦恵伸師 岩手県山田町 善慶寺 住職
日蓮宗 別格本山 妙顕寺 加歴第48世
日蓮宗 岩手県 布教師会 会長
セクション 1: 1 つの体の 3 つの側面
3/3 | 1/3 | 1/3 | 1/3 |
車 | 車体 | 運転 | 走行 |
PC | ハード | ソフト | ワーク |
宝珠 | 原石 | 研磨 | 宝石 |
ヒト | 肉体 | 精神 | 人生 |
価値 | 真 | 善 | 美 |
⇔ | ⇔ | ⇔ | |
偽 | 悪 | 醜 |
3/3 | 1/3 | 1/3 | 1/3 |
三身仏 | 応身仏 | 報身仏 | 法身仏 |
釈迦仏 | 阿弥陀仏 | 毘盧遮那仏 | |
三身 即一仏 |
釈迦仏 |
南無妙法 蓮華経 |
多宝仏 |
隔別の方便教宗宗も亦是の如し。珠をば法身に譬へ、光をば報身に譬へ、宝をば応身に譬ふ。此の総の三徳を分別して宗を立つるを不足と嫌ふなり、之を丸して一と為すを総の三諦と云ふ。此の総の三諦は三身 即一の本覚の如来なり。
Section One: Three Aspects of One Body
3/3 | 1/3 | 1/3 | 1/3 |
Value | Real | Good | Beauty |
⇔ | ⇔ | ⇔ | |
Fake | Bad | Ugly | |
Car |
Body- Engine |
Drive skill |
Travel |
Pc | Hardware | Software | Work |
Jewel | Stone | Brilliance | Preciousness |
Cuisine | Ingredients | Recipe | Cooking |
Human | Body | Spirit | One's life |
Buddha |
Dharma -Truth |
Reward -Spiritual |
Accommodative -Physical |
Three bodies, one Buddha
Shakyamuni buddha
Nam Myoho Renge kyo
Many Treasures Buddha
he above table compares values of various objects to an outside perspective. Our modern age is a car-based civilization. However, a picture of a car or a plastic car model is useless. Even if you have a real car and not properly working, it is junk. A driver is also essential, but a car destroyed in an accident is a terrible burden. Therefore, good driving skills make all the difference.
In the same manner, a computer with wonderful hardware and the latest software is only as valuable as the skill of person using the keyboard. A newborn baby is a happy
occasion but some people turn out to be a burden to society. Only with a healthy body and a healthy spirit does the flower of life fully bloom. In truth, the stance of the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren Shonin is that the true nature of the Buddha is in the Three-Fold Body. Shakyamuni (the Historical Buddha) is only one third of the complete Buddha. Amida Buddha for example only represents a manifestation of the Reward-body.
実は、法華経や日蓮聖人の立場は、仏の本性は三体にあるというものです。釈迦牟尼仏(歴史的仏)は、完全な仏陀の 3 分の 1 にすぎません。例えば、阿弥陀如来は報身の顕現にすぎません。
In “Unanimous Declaration by the Buddhas,” Nichiren Shonin compares the Three-Fold Body with the unity of the Three Truths comparing it to three qualities of a jewel:
日蓮聖人は、「仏の全会一致宣言」の中で、三重体を三真理の統一と比較し、それを宝石の 3 つの性質と比較しています。
The three truths that form a unity may be compared to a jewel, its brilliance, and its precious nature. Because it has these three virtues, it is called a wish-granting jewel, and it can serve as a symbol for the unity of the three truths. But if these three virtues were taken apart and treated as separate entities, then the jewel would be of no use. It would then be comparable to the various schools that expound expedient teachings in which the three truths are regarded as separate from one another.
The jewel itself is comparable to the Dharma body, its brilliance to the reward body, and its precious nature to the manifested body. When these three virtues, which form a unity, are treated as separate entities and schools are established on that basis, one dislikes such schools because of their insufficiency. But when the three are combined to form a single whole, this is known as the unity of the three truths. This unity of the three truths is comparable to the Thus Come One of original enlightenment, whose three bodies are in fact a single body.
— The Unanimous Declaration by the Buddhas (三世諸仏総勘文教相廃立) The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin 2 (WND), 315, p 835
一つになる三つの真理は、宝石、その輝き、そしてその貴い性質に例えることができます。この三徳を兼ね備えていることから「願いを叶える宝石」と呼ばれ、三相結束の象徴とされています。しかし、この三つの美徳をバラバラにして別物として扱ってしまえば、宝石は何の役にも立ちません。それは、3 つの真理が互いに別個のものであるとみなされる、適切な教えを説明するさまざまな学派に匹敵するでしょう。
宝珠は法体に、輝きは報体に、尊い性質は顕身体に例えることができます。統一されたこれらの三徳が別々の存在として扱われ、それに基づいて学校が設立されると、そのような学校が不十分であるために嫌われます。しかし、3 つが組み合わさって 1 つの全体を形成するとき、これは 3 つの真実の統一として知られています。この 3 つの真理の統一は、3 つの体が実際には 1 つの体である、本覚の如来の悟りに匹敵します。
— 三世諸仏総勘文教相廃立 —
Shakyamuni is only 1/3rd of the complete Buddha. Amida Buddha for example only represents a manifestation of the Reward-body. Nichiren Shonin taught that the Object of Devotion, the Mandala Gohonzon, represents the complete Buddha containing all three Buddha bodies.
釈迦牟尼仏は完全な仏陀の 3 分の 1 にすぎません。例えば、阿弥陀如来は報身の顕現にすぎません。日蓮聖人は、本尊である曼荼羅御本尊は、三体の仏体をすべて含む完全な仏を表していると教えました。
2)Born with the lotus flowers, died with the cherry blossoms, the beautiful life of Nichiren Saints
2)蓮生桜滅の美しいご生涯 日蓮聖人
Entering the priesthood at the age of 16 and training earnestly, Nichiren achieved the Reward Body at the age of 32, when he first chanted Odaimoku at sunrise on Asahigamori, an event that founded the Nichiren Shu Order.
16 歳で出家し、修行を積んだ日蓮聖人は、32 歳で旭ヶ森の日の出に初めてお題目を唱え、日蓮宗の発祥の地となったときに、報酬体を達成しました。
He traveled to the capital at Kamakura and commenced his propagation. The Buddhism practiced at that time was mostly focused on the Dharma-body (1/3) teaching. The Reward-body (3/3) as the object of veneration was a complete and dangerous break. Society was beset by calamities of earthquakes and plague, while the government was weak and ineffectual. It is a cruel fate that we suffer the same in our time. People had lost hope and prayed to Amida Buddha, a Buddha of another world, to save them, giving their life energy and money. It was like worshiping a cartoon hero.
鎌倉に上京し、布教を開始。当時の仏教は、主に報身(1/3)の教えに焦点を当てていました。 崇拝の対象としての報酬体 (3/3) は、完全かつ危険なブレイクでした。社会は地震や疫病の災難に見舞われ、政府は弱く無力でした。私たちの時代に同じように苦しむのは残酷な運命です。希望を失った人々は、異世界の仏である阿弥陀如来に助けを求め、生命とお金を捧げていました。漫画のヒーローを崇拝するようなものでした。
Nichiren Shonin taught all people the truth, but like the good medicine (of the Lotus Sutra) that tastes bitter, they resisted it, leading to many persecutions Nichiren Shonin suffered in his lifetime. It is well known that when Nichiren Shonin was born in Kominato, Lotus blossoms appeared, and that when he died, cherry trees at Ikegami blossomed testifying the beauty of his life.
Less than 1% of Nichiren’s followers and disciples carried on after he passed away. And yet today we have more than 750 years of Nichiren Shu Buddhist history behind us.
日蓮聖人が亡くなった後、日蓮聖人の信者と弟子の1%未満で引き継がれました。それでも今日、750 年以上にわたる日蓮宗の仏教の歴史が私たちの背後にあります。
3)Three Secret Laws of Nichiren Buddhism
「一身即三身なるを名づけて秘となし、三身即一身なるを名づけて密と為す、又昔説かざる所を名づけて秘となし、唯だ仏のみ自ら知るを名づけて密と為す。仏三世に於いて等しく三身あり、諸経の中に於いて之を秘して伝えず」 (天台大師・法華文句)
The three kinds of body that a Buddha possesses are a concept set forth in Mahayana Buddhism to organize different views of the Buddha appearing in the sutras. The three bodies are as follows:
(1) The Dharma-body, or body of the Law. This is the fundamental truth, or Law, to which a Buddha is enlightened.
(2) The Reward-body, obtained as the reward of completing bodhisattva practices and acquiring the Buddha wisdom that unifies the other two bodies. Unlike the Dharma- body, which is immaterial, the Reward-body is thought of as an actual body, although one that is transcendent and imperceptible to ordinary people.
(3) The Accommodative-body, or the physical form that a Buddha assumes in this world to save the people.
(1) 法身・または法体。これは、ブッダが悟った根本的な真理、または法です。
(2) 報身・菩薩の修行を完了し、他の 2 つの体を統合する仏の知恵を獲得することの報酬として得られる報酬体。実体のない法体とは異なり、報身は実体と考えられていますが、超越的で常人には知覚できないものです。
(3) 応身・適応体、またはブッダがこの世界で人々を救うためにとる肉体。
T’ien-t’ai, in The Words and Phrases of the Lotus Sutra maintained that the three bodies are not separate entities but three integral aspects of a single Buddha and interpreted “secret” to mean that a single Buddha possesses all three bodies and that all three bodies are found within a single Buddha.
天台は、法華経の言葉と句の中で、三体は別個の実体ではなく、単一の仏の 3 つの不可欠な側面であると主張し、「秘密」とは、単一の仏がすべての三体を所有していることを意味すると解釈しました。 三体すべてが一つの仏の中にあるということです。
Since the Lotus Sutra defines our body as the Dharma body of a Thus Come One, our mind as the reward body of a Thus Come One, and our actions as the manifested body of a Thus Come One, all who uphold and believe in even a single phrase or verse of this sutra will be endowed with the benefits of these three bodies. Namu Myoho Renge Kyo is only one phrase or verse, but it is no ordinary phrase, for it is the essence of the entire sutra. You asked whether one can attain Buddhahood only by chanting Namu Myoho Renge Kyo, and this is the most important question of all. This is the heart of the entire sutra and the substance of its eight volumes.
- A Reply to My Lady, the Nun Myoho/The One Essential Phrase (妙法尼御前御返事) WND 1, 121 p 922
法華経は、私たちの身体を如来の法身、心を如来の報身、行動を如来の応身と定めているので、 この経の一言一句に、この三体の恩恵が授けられます。南無無明法蓮華経は一句、一節にすぎませんが、普通の句ではなく、経典全体の本質です。南無無妙法蓮華経を唱えるだけで成仏できるかという質問でしたが、これが最も重要な問題です。これが経典全体の核心であり、八巻の内容である。
— A Reply to My Lady, the Nun Myoho/The One Essential Phrase (妙法尼御前御応答) WND 1, 121 p 922
In this quote Nichiren clearly explains that the secret heart of all the sutras is contained in the five characters of the Lotus Sutra, and when we uphold them the unenlightened Buddha inside us awakens. This is the true teaching of T’ien-t’ai and Saicho that the seven kanji characters of Na-Mu-Myo-Ho-Ren-Ge-Kyo encompass the Three Great Secret Teachings.
“Śākyamuni Buddha’s merit of practicing the bodhisattva way leading to Buddhahood, as well as that of preaching and saving all living beings since His attainment of Buddhahood are altogether contained in the five characters of Myō, Hō, Ren, Ge, and Kyō, Lotus Sutra of the Wonderful Dharma, and that consequently, when we uphold the five characters, the merits which He accumulated before and after His attainment of Buddhahood are naturally transferred to us.”
- Spiritual Contemplation and the Most Venerable (観心本尊抄) ST 118 Writings of Nichiren Shonin (WONS) Vol 2, p 144
— 観心本尊抄 —
The Three Great Secret Laws, these are:
(1) Focus of Devotion of the Original Gate, in Japanese ‘Honmon no Honzon’
(2) Daimoku of the Original Gate, in Japanese ‘Honmon no Daimoku’
(3) Precept Platform of the Original Gate in Japanese ‘Honmon no Kaidan’.
(1) 本門の本尊(ほんもんのほんぞん)
(2) 本門の題目「ほんもんのだいもく」
(3) 本門の戒壇「ほんもんのかいだん」日本国における原門の戒壇
All of these are the realization of Nichiren Shonin’s vow for establishing a peaceful society.
The Lotus Sutra expounds the secret dharma enabling all living beings to attain Buddhahood.
Letter to Hōren (法蓮抄) WONS Vol 6, p 51
法蓮抄 WONS 第6巻51頁
‘Shakyamuni Buddha is called Vairochana Present in All Places. The place where this buddha dwells is called Eternally Tranquil Light. It is a place constituted by the paramita of eternity, a place peacefully established by the paramita of true self, a place in which possession of aspects is wiped out by the paramita of purity, a place where through the paramita of happiness there is no dwelling in the aspects of body or mind, a place where the aspects of all phenomena are seen neither as existing nor not existing. It is tranquil emancipation, it is the paramita of obtaining wisdom. The reason is that these forms represent the Law of eternal abiding.
- The Sutra of Meditation on the Bodhisattva Universal Virtue (仏説観普賢菩薩行法経) p 362 Koesei Publishing, 1975
— 『仏説観普賢菩薩行法経』p 362 公英出版、1975 年
The four virtues are the fulfillment of becoming a Buddha. The Nichiren Shu funeral prayer reflects this: “Through the teaching may this spirit come to embody the four virtues of purity, bliss, eternity and true self, and attain the great fruition of the perception of the three-bodies.” These are the goals when becoming a priest.
四徳とは、仏になることの成就です。日蓮宗の葬儀の祈りは、「この教えを通して、この精神が純粋、至福、永遠、真の自己の4つの美徳を体現し、三体の知覚の偉大な結実を達成するようになるように」ということを反映しています。 これらが僧侶になるときの目標です。
4)Four kinds of virtues (paramita) are:
permanency = stability bliss =
永続性 = 安定
living life
至福 = 人生を楽しく生きるeffortlessly true self = freedom
本当の自分 = 自由
purity = the peace and purity of the pure land
純度 = 浄土の平和と純粋さ
These are qualities that we all desire to have in our lives. Electricity and cars have dramatically improved our lives, removing the drudgery, bringing us comfort, and bliss. This progress however has come at the expense of the virtues of purity and freedom of our true self, bringing doubt and uncertainty into our society.
This is a whole new dimension. The brightness of the human mind, the ability to act on self-interest and the interest of others is all important. Moreover, we’re living in time of crisis. In “Regarding the Three Great Secret Teaching,” Nichiren Shonin promises to explain the Great Three Secret Laws in detail. Let’s examine it as a system and compare it with the concept of electricized civilization mentioned in the title.
5)From Electricized to Spiritualized ivilization he Electricized System
Let’s start with the example of electrical power generation and appliance manufacturers. Our predecessors succeeded in harnessing electricity from nature and electricized civilization began to flourish in the 20th Century. Electrical engineers harvested energy in nature and generated electricity, transmitted it, transformed it, sending harvested energy to appliances for light and motive power, all things modern society takes for granted. Customers do not need to know anything about the system to use it. They only have to believe in turning on a switch to receive the benefit.
Electric companies create a reliable electric distribution system and charge customers a fee.
発電および家電メーカーの例から始めましょう。私たちの先人たちは、自然界の電気を利用することに成功し、20 世紀には電気文明が栄え始めました。電気技術者は自然界でエネルギーを収集し、電気を生成、伝送、変換し、収集したエネルギーを照明や動力源として電化製品に送ります。これらはすべて、現代社会が当然のことと考えています。お客様はシステムについて何も知らなくてもご利用いただけます。恩恵を受けるには、スイッチをオンにすることを信じるだけでよいのです。
Electric appliance makers manufacture appliances and sell them via a sales network, this in turn creates more demand and spreads the use of electricity; they make money from selling appliances.
The public uses electricity for lighting and appliances. They pay a fee for using it, and by using it in this manner and achieve a brighter, higher standard of living.
Let’s take a closer look at this from electrical appliance manufacturer end.
A manufacturer consists of product development, fabrication, sales with defined roles:
- Manufacturer directors and executive team give directions
- Manufacturer workers carry out the work
1) メーカーの取締役と経営陣が指示を出す
2) メーカー作業員が作業を行う
There is a large network of retail chains selling the manufactured product at different prices.
- Retail chain company directors and executive team give
- Retail store workers carry out the work
3) 小売チェーン会社の取締役と経営陣が指示を出す。
4) 小売店の従業員が作業を行う
These are the four clearly defined roles. Let’s also examine the keywords we equate with success: simple, convenient, fast, inexpensive, safe, accurate, and impartial (wide availability or appeal). Any product or service not defined by these keywords is driven from the market, i.e., the keywords of failure: complex, inconvenient, slow, expensive, dangerous, inaccurate, and partial (limited availability or appeal).
これらは、明確に定義された 4 つの役割です。
また、私たちが成功と同一視するキーワードを調べてみましょう: シンプル、便利、迅速、安価、安全、正確、公平 (幅広い可用性または魅力)。
これらのキーワードで定義されていない製品やサービスは、市場、つまり失敗のキーワード、つまり、複雑、不便、遅い、高価、危険、不正確、部分的 (限られた入手可能性または魅力) から突き動かされています。
6)A system for spiritualized transcendence
ここで、(観心本尊抄・報恩抄等)に示された祖意を摘示します。事行の南無妙法蓮華経の五字、並びに本門の本尊いまだ広くこれを行ぜず。」 (観心本尊抄)
「此の時地涌千界出現して本門の脇士と為りて、一閻浮提第一の本尊をこの国に立つべし」 (観心本尊抄)
Nichiren Shonin indicates a similarly orderly systematic view in his “Spiritual Contemplation and the Most Venerable” and other writings such as Hoon-Jo.
They did not practice and have others practice the actual way of realizing it, reciting and upholding the five characters of Myō, Hō, Ren, Ge, and Kyō, and revering the Most Venerable One as revealed in the essential section of the Lotus Sutra (hommon no honzon).
— Spiritual Contemplation and the Most Venerable (観心本尊抄) ST 118 WONS Vol 2, p 160
— 精神的な熟考と最も尊い (観心本尊抄) ST 118 WONS Vol 2, p 16
This is first time where Nichiren Shonin reveals his interpretation of the Essential Teaching that the Bodhisattvas from Underground, that is the disciples and followers of Nichiren, are revealed as protectors of the nascent Buddhas, and that they are here to establish the Pure Land and bring peace to our sahā world that is in itself the Land of Eternally Tranquil Light. In the “Orally Transmitted Teachings, Chapter Sixteen: The Life Span of the Thus Come One” Twenty-seven important points:
The Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings says: The title of this chapter
deals with an important matter that concerns Nichiren himself. This is the transmission described in the “Supernatural Powers” chapter. The Thus Come One is Shakyamuni Buddha or, more generally speaking, all the Buddhas of the ten directions and the three existences. Or, more specifically, it refers to the Buddha of the original state who is eternally endowed with the three bodies.
Now it is the understanding of Nichiren and his followers that, generally speaking, the term “Thus Come One” refers to all living beings. More specifically, it refers to the disciples and lay supporters of Nichiren.
This being the case, the term “eternally endowed with the three bodies” refers to the votaries of the Lotus Sutra in the Latter Day of the Law.
The title of honor for one who is eternally endowed with the three bodies is
Namu-Myoho-Renge-Kyo. This is what the three great concerns of actuality of the “Life Span” chapter refer to.
— The Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings Chapter Sixteen: The Life Span of the Thus Come One Twenty-seven important points, p123
— 口伝の記録 第十六章 如来寿量品 二十七個の要点、p123
7)Heritage of the Ultimate Law
謗法不信の者は「即断一切 世間仏種」とて、仏に成るべき種子を断絶するが故に、生死一大事の血脈これなきなり。
過去の宿縁追ひ来つて、今度日蓮が弟子と成り給ふか。釈迦、多宝こそ御存知候らめ。「在在諸仏土 常与師倶生」よも虚事候はじ。
大地は草木を生ずるを以て行と為し 、
相構へ相構へて強盛の大信力を致して、南無妙法蓮華経 臨終正念と祈念し給へ。生死一大事の血脈、此れより外に全く求むることなかれ。煩悩即菩提、生死即涅槃とは是なり。信心の血脈なくんば法華経を持つとも無益なり。」
「この法を説かんと欲して、先に神力を以て駭動するが故に、一切の自在の神力と言う。既に変通を見て、醒悟、渇仰すれば、為めに教えを説くことを得。」 (法華玄義)
While we can clearly see wires that transmit electricity, we cannot see the spiritual power transmitted by the Odaimoku. It is spirit. However, Nichiren clearly shows it in “The Heritage of the Ultimate Law of Life:”
The ultimate Law of life and death as transmitted from the Buddha to all living beings is Myoho-Renge-Kyo. The five characters of Myoho-Renge-Kyo were transferred from Shakyamuni and Many Treasures, the two Buddhas inside the treasure tower, to Bodhisattva Superior Practice, carrying on a heritage unbroken since the infinite past. Myō represents death, and hō, life. Living beings that pass through the two phases of life and death are the entities of the Ten Worlds, or the entities of Myoho-Renge-Kyo…
Shakyamuni Buddha who attained enlightenment countless kalpas ago, the Lotus Sutra that leads all people to Buddhahood, and we ordinary human beings are in no way different or separate from one another. To chant Myoho-renge-kyo with this realization is to inherit the ultimate Law of life and death. This is a matter of the utmost importance for Nichiren’s disciples and lay supporters, and this is what it means to embrace the Lotus Sutra….
My followers are now able to accept and uphold the Lotus Sutra because of the strong ties they formed with it in their past existences. They are certain to obtain the fruit of Buddhahood in the future. The heritage of the Lotus Sutra flows within the lives of those who never forsake it in any lifetime whatsoever—whether in the past, the present, or the future. But those who disbelieve and slander the Lotus Sutra will immediately “destroy all the seeds for becoming a Buddha in this world.” Because they cut themselves off from the potential to attain enlightenment, they do not share the heritage of the ultimate Law of life and death.
All disciples and lay supporters of Nichiren should chant Namu-Myoho-Renge- Kyo with the spirit of many in body but one in mind, transcending all differences among themselves to become as inseparable as fish and the water in which they swim. This spiritual bond is the basis for the universal transmission of the ultimate Law of life and death. Herein lies the true goal of Nichiren’s propagation. When you are so united, even the great desire for widespread propagation can be fulfilled. But if any of Nichiren’s disciples disrupt the unity of many in body but one in mind, they would be like warriors who destroy their own castle from within.
Nichiren has been trying to awaken all the people of Japan to faith in the Lotus Sutra so that they too can share the heritage and attain Buddhahood. But instead, they have persecuted me in various ways and finally had me banished to this island. You have followed Nichiren, however, and met with suffering as a result. It pains me deeply to think of your anguish…
How admirable that you have asked about the transmission of the ultimate Law of life and death! I have never heard of anyone who has asked such a question. I have answered in complete detail in this letter, so please take it deeply to heart.
The important point is to carry out your practice confident that Namu-Myoho- Renge-Kyo alone is the heritage that was transferred from Shakyamuni and Many Treasures to Bodhisattva Superior Practices.
The function of fire is to burn and give light. The function of water is to wash away filth. The winds blow away dust and breathe life into plants, animals, and human beings. The earth produces the grasses and trees, and heaven providesnourishing moisture. The five characters of Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo are also like that. They are the cluster of blessings brought by the Bodhisattvas of the Earth, disciples of the Buddha in his true identity. The Lotus Sutra says that Bodhisattva Superior Practice will appear now, in the Latter Day of the Law, to propagate this teaching, but has this happened? Whether or not Bodhisattva Superior Practice has appeared in this world, Nichiren has already made a start in propagating this teaching.
妙法蓮華経の5人のキャラクターもそうです。それらは、ブッダの真のアイデンティティである弟子である地球の菩薩によってもたらされた祝福の集まりです。法華経は、この教えを広めるために、末法の今、上行菩薩が現れると言っていますが、これは起こりましたか? 上行菩薩がこの世に現れたかどうかにかかわらず、日蓮はすでにこの教えを広め始めています。
Be resolved to summon forth the great power of faith, and chant Namu-Myoho- Renge-Kyo with the prayer that your faith will be steadfast and correct at the moment of death. Never seek any other way to inherit the ultimate Law of life and death and manifest it in your life. Only then will you realize that earthly desires are enlightenment, and that the sufferings of birth and death are nirvana. Even embracing the Lotus Sutra would be useless without the heritage of faith.”
— The Heritage of the Ultimate Law of Life (死一大事血脈抄), WDI 1 29, p216
— The Heritage of the Ultimate Law of Life (死一大事血脈抄)、WDI 1 29、p216
The spiritual flow is from Shakyamuni Buddha to Nichiren Shonin who embodied Superior Practice Bodhisattva, to his disciples and followers. It is a system that divinely benefits the masses who surround the Nichiren Buddhist organizations and hints at the mission of Nichiren Shu Order. In this way, the structure is very similar to the system of electricized life enjoyed by modern people and the Three Great Secret Laws of Nichiren Buddhism. If you are a follower of modern Nichiren Buddhism, and familiar with electrified life, the Three Great Secret Laws are easy to understand with a clear image.
Tendai Daishi propagated the Lotus Sutra teachings not with heavy intellectual reasoning but showing its wondrous efficacy first saying, “if you want to understand the Dharma, have faith, thirst for the teaching, become enlightened and teach the Dharma.”
Nichiren Shonin’s propagation is a series of extraordinary happenings, whose places are now honored as head temples of spiritual sites where our founder revealed the platform, (sanctuary) of essential teachings.
8)A Religious Organization Outline and Program Based on Nichiren’s Purpose
3,大衆・霊光・霊力を享受し、「資生産業 皆順正法」して、明るい生活を営み、社会は安定化して、立正安国の実現を見ます。
イ、道・修学解了の比丘 ・教団の役員・首脳陣は・司令塔の役目を果たし
ロ、道・ 信行の比丘・住職等教師は布教の尖兵として・教団の手足となって働きます
ニ、俗・ 信行の信徒・清浄の徒として生きます
Let’s examine the focus of devotion of the essential section. In his writing “A Teaching on the Merits of One with True Understanding” (Tokujū-Shokunin-Kudoku- Sho), Nichiren explains the different roles of secular people (priests) and further breaks each category into two sub-sections: (1) priests with true understanding from right practice, (2) priests with true understanding from faith. Nichiren also applies these same classifications to lay people, those with true understanding from right practice, those with true understanding from faith, and concludes that true understanding from faith is the same for all, hence the most valuable.
本質的な部分の献身の焦点を調べてみましょう。日蓮聖人は著書「真の理解者の功徳に関する教え」(得受職人功徳法門抄)の中で、世俗の人々(僧侶)のさまざまな役割を説明し、各カテゴリーをさらに 2 つのサブセクションに分けています。(2) 信仰から真の悟りを持つ教師。日蓮聖人はまた、これらの同じ分類を信徒、正しい実践からの真の理解を持つ人々、信仰からの真の理解を持つ人々に適用し、信仰からの真の理解はすべての人にとって同じであり、したがって最も価値があると結論付けています.
Let us examine the Nichiren Shu Order with the same divisions we used for Electrified Life.
- Disciples (priests) Supply the Spiritual energy of the Odaimoku, research dharma law, systemize and spreading spiritualized life (with some disciples realizing the wisdom inside and the deep meaning of Buddhism)
- Followers distribute and transform the spiritual life-force into action
- Public: receive spiritual life force, lead happier lives, society becomes calm and peaceful
Electrified Life で使用したのと同じ部門で日蓮宗を調べてみましょう。
1.弟子(僧侶) お題目の霊気を授かり、法を研究し、精神生活を体系化し広める(一部の弟子は内なる叡智と仏教の深い意味を悟る)
- フォロワーは精神的な生命力を分配し、行動に変換します
- 公共: 精神的な生命力を受け取り、より幸せな生活を送り、社会は穏やかで平和になります。
Spreading Peace Throughout the Country by Establishing the True Dharma Buddhism has become corrupt from the commerce of ‘Funeral Buddhism’ and system of family-owned temples, it clearly needs a reset to find its true worth and religious value.
Let’s take a closer look at the work that ‘disciples’ of Nichiren and buddhist practitioners carry out the wishes of the Buddha and buddhist practice.
- Secular: leaders, directors, officers of the order
- Secular: regular priests who propagate and teach in the
- Lay: temple officers and sangha leaders
- Lay: general practitioners
2.教師: 現場で布教し、教える正規の教師。
The 2-6-2 rule(パレートの法則)
Twenty percent of general society are like the Four Bodhisattva leaders from Underground following the footsteps of Shakyamuni and Nichiren. Sixty percent receive the light and wisdom of these leaders and convert it into action, spreading it to others thus creating a better society. The last twenty percent receive the benefits of the first two groups.
2-6-2 ルール
一般社会の 20% は、釈尊と日蓮聖人の足跡をたどる地下の四菩薩のようなものです。 60% がこれらのリーダーの光と知恵を受け取り、それを行動に移し、それを他の人に広め、より良い社会を作ります。 最後の 20% は、最初の 2 つのグループの恩恵を受けます。
9)In electricized civilization the key point is the on switch. In spiritualized civilization, faith is the key point, the on switch based on the three principals that form the innermost Nichiren Buddhist beliefs.
1は、法界に溢れる霊気の本仏から、大衆に対する 哀愍救護の呼びかけ(仏所護念)であり、
3は、両者の想いがピタリと一致した、感応道交の妙で、「是人於仏道 決定無有疑」と神力品偈文の示す所です。
「日本国の一切衆生の盲目を開ける功徳あり、無間地獄の道を塞ぎぬ」 (報恩鈔)
で、盲目(元品の無明・無意識の無明)を開けるのは、上行所伝のお題目以外には無く、「宝塔品に云く「接諸大衆皆在虚空」云云。此等の仏、菩薩、大聖等、総じて序品列坐の二界八番の雑衆等、一人ももれず此御本尊の中に住し給ひ、妙法五字の光明にてらされて本有の尊形となる、是を本尊とは申す也。」 (日女御前御返事)と、
「その信心に依って自身の仏性が覚醒し、次いで行学の二道(信仰生活)は起こる」 (諸法実相抄趣意)とお示しです。
9)電化文明のキーポイントはオンスイッチ。 精神化(霊化)された文明では、信心が重要なポイントであり、日蓮仏教の最も奥深い信念を形成する 3 つの原則に基づいてスイッチが入れられます。
- Dedication to the Lotus Sutra: “Bringing the boundless spiritual energy of the Eternal Buddha to the people of the world in the spirit of ‘Busho Gonnen,’ which is the Buddha’s desire to save all beings by leading them to enlightenment.”
- Faith in the Lotus Sutra: “the people of the world desire to be saved by the Eternal Buddha.”
- Act decisively on The Lotus Sutra: the spirit of Eternal Buddha and the spirit of the people who desire enlightenment align perfectly, connected by the mysterious power of Odaimoku people are led to enlightenment.
- 南無し奉れ・法華経への献身:衆生を悟りへと導き、衆生を救いたいという仏の願いである『仏所護念』の精神。永遠の仏の無限の精神的なエネルギーを世の人々にもたらすこと。
- 南無し奉る・法華経への信仰:世の人々は永遠の仏によって救われることを望んでいます。
- 決定(けつじょう)の南無・法華経に果敢に取り組む:長寿仏の精神と悟りを求める人々の精神が完全に一致し、お題目の神秘的な力によって結ばれ、悟りへと導かれる。
The mysterious connection that flows between the Eternal Buddha and ordinary people is stated in the verse section of Chapter 21 “The Supernatural Powers of the Tathagata,” “Therefore the man of wisdom who hears this sutra will be able to attain the enlightenment of Buddha definitely and doubtlessly.”
常世仏と常人の間に流れる不思議なつながりは、第二十一章「如来の超常力」の節に、「故に、この経を聞く智慧人は、必ず仏陀の悟りを得ることができる」と述べられています。 そして間違いなく。」
Even if one can’t read or write, one is blessed with merits when following and believing.
(Letter to Nanjo/南条殿御返事)
The Odaimoku is nourishment and energy like milk to a baby
. (A Reply to Soya/曾谷入道殿御返事)
It has the merit of curing the blindness of all the people in Japan, blocking the way to hell.
(Essay on Gratitude/報恩鈔)
In short there is no higher practice than Odaimoku for curing the blindness (ignorance) of the true nature of existence.
“Without exception, all these Buddhas, bodhisattvas, great sages, and, in general, all the various beings of the two worlds and the eight groups who appear in the “Introduction” chapter of the Lotus Sutra dwell in this Gohonzon. Illuminated by the light of the five characters of the Mystic Law, they display the dignified attributes that they inherently possess. This is the object of devotion.”
- A Response to My Lady Nichinyo (日女御前御返事)/The Real Aspect of the Gohonzon WND 1 101, p 832
— My Lady Nichinyo (日女御前御返事) への応答/ご本尊の本当の側面 WND 1 101, p 832
The “Treatise on All Phenomena as Ultimate Reality” tell us that when we have faith, we awaken the Buddha within and strive in the two ways of practice and learning.
Strive to carry out the two ways of practice and learning. Without practice and learning Buddhism will cease to exist. Endeavor yourself and cause others to practice these two ways two ways of practice and learning, which stem from faith. If possible, please spread even a word or phrase of the sutra to others. Namu Myoho Renge Kyo, Namu Myoho Renge Kyo.
実践と学習の2つの方法を実行するよう努めてください。仏教は修行と学習なしには存在しなくなります。信仰に由来する実践と学習の 2 つの方法を実践し、他の人にこれらの 2 つの方法を実践してもらいましょう。できればお経の一言一句でも広めてください。 南無妙法蓮華経、南無妙法蓮華経。
Treatise on All Phenomena as Ultimate Reality (諸法実相抄) WONS Vol 4, p 85
10)Mandala of the World
因みに、薬王薬上菩薩は、医術薬方と想像出来ます。妙音菩薩は芸術? 弥勒は慈氏で宗教界を、勇施は政治とイメージ出来ます。これは一体で表現してありますから、慈悲の籠もった政治が理想だと理解出来ます。
「如我等無異とて、釈尊同等の仏にやすやすとならん事疑無きなり」 (御講聞書)
「古徳のことばにも、心地を九識にもち、修行をば六識にせよ とおしへ給ふ、ことわりにもや候らん」の文を、(上野殿後家尼御前御返事)に引用されていますが、それが将に霊化生活・霊化社会の事でした。
The picture shows the Mandala Gohonzon inscribed by Nichiren using the spiritual eye of Superior Practice Bodhisattva, it maps the Buddha’s world of the Lotus Sutra. The job of Nichiren Shu priests is explaining this and carrying out the Gohonzon’s purpose of establishing world peace.
Nichiren’s Mandala Gohonzon(日蓮聖人の大曼荼羅荼御本尊)
写真は日蓮聖人が上行菩薩の霊眼で刻んだ曼荼羅御本尊で、法華経の仏界を表しています。 日蓮宗の僧侶の仕事は、これを説明し、世界平和を確立するという御本尊の目的を遂行することです。
From the top there the seven characters comprising the Odaimoku: Na Mu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo. On the left is Shakyamuni Buddha, on the right is Many Treasures Buddha. Flanking them on either side are the Four Bodhisattvas from Underground: Superior Practice, Pure Practice, Boundless Practice, Firmly Practice.
Further to the left is the “Four phrase essence of the Lotus Sutra”: [1] all the doctrines possessed by the Thus Come One, [2] all the freely exercised supernatural powers of the Thus Come One, [3] the storehouse of all the secret essentials of the Thus Come One, [4] all the most profound matters of the Thus
Come One—all these are proclaimed, revealed, and clearly expounded in this sutra.”
On the left is Anubhava: the Power of the Buddha. The deities and bodhisattvas in the second row below mirror the necessary elements of human society: commerce, governance (Yuze), religion (Maitreya), medical (Great Medicine King), music and art (Wonderful Sound), astronomy and weather, communications and so on.
下の 2 列目の神々と菩薩は、人間社会の必要な要素を反映しています: 商業、統治 (勇施)、宗教 (弥勒)、医療 (大薬王)、音楽と芸術 (素晴らしい音)、天文学と天気、通信と。
Below that are protective deities of Japan and the great teachers who propagated Lotus Sutra culture. In the four corners are the great heavenly kings who protect the Pure Land of the Buddha. When all of these elements combine we can conceive a compassionate protective government like the dragon who protects the Lotus Sutra.
When all of these elements live and breathe in the atmosphere of the pure land of the Gohonzon, a peaceful existence is established in the nations of the world.
In the “Orally Transmitted Teachings,” Nichiren quotes from “Hell Is the Land of Tranquil Light” regarding attaining Buddhahood in this lifetime, saying If you think the Law is outside yourself, you are not embracing the Mystic Law:
The words of a wise man of old also teach that, ”you should base your mind on the ninth consciousness and carry out your practice in the six consciousnesses.”
- Hell Is the Land of Tranquil Light (上野殿後家尼御前御返事) WND 1 52, p 456
— Hell Is the Land of Tranquil Light (上野殿後家尼御前御返事) WND 1 52, p 456
In our modern era transit evolved from the horse and buggy to the automobile. We went from candles to electric lights with electricity driving a paradigm shift in transit, communications, and livelihoods. Then, once again, depending on the revival and efforts of Nichiren Buddhism, the ultimate paradigm shift will be made.
現代の交通機関は、馬車から自動車へと進化しました。私たちはろうそくから電灯へと移行し、電気は輸送、通信、生活のパラダイム シフトを推進しました。そして、再び、日蓮仏教の復興と努力次第で、究極のパラダイムシフトが起こります。
11)Steps for Achieving World Peace
イ、家庭曼陀羅・(主人が家族の核となる。主人の 価値観「お題目の霊気」が家風となる)
「只偏に釈迦如来の御神我に入りかわせ給ひけるにや、我が身ながらも悦び身にあまる、法華経の一念三千と申す大事の法門はこれなり。経に云く「所謂諸法 如是相」と申すは何事ぞ。十如是の始めの相如是が第一の大事にて候へば、仏は世にいでさせ給ふ、智人は起りをしる、蛇みづから蛇をしるとはこれなり。一滴あつまりて大海となる、微塵つもりて須弥山となれり。日蓮が法華経を信じ始めしは、日本国には一滴一微塵のごとし。法華経を二人、三人、十人、百千万億人唱へ伝うるほどならば、妙覚の須弥山ともなり、大涅槃の大海ともなるべし。仏になる道は、此よりほかに又もとむる事なかれ。」 (撰時抄・下)
「仏法は体の如く世間は影の如し、体曲れば影斜めなり」 (諸経与法華経難易事)
「日本の仏法は唯一門なり、王法も二に非ず、法定まり国清めり」 (四信五品鈔)
「法華経を以て国土を祈らば、上一人より下万民に至るまで悉く悦び栄え給べき鎮護国家の大白法なり。」 (法華初心成仏鈔)
「戒壇とは王法、仏法に冥し、仏法、王法に合して王臣一同に本門の三秘密の法を持ちて、有徳王、覚徳比丘の其の乃往を末法濁悪の未来に移さん時、勅宣並びに御教書を申し下して、霊山浄土に似たらん最勝の地を尋ねて戒壇を建立すべき者か、時を待つべきのみ。事の戒法と申すは是れなり。三国並びに一閻浮提の人懺悔滅罪の戒法のみならず、大梵天王、帝釈等も来下して踏給ふべき戒壇なり。」 (三大秘法稟承事)
「日蓮によりて日本国の有無はあるべし」 (種種御振舞御書)
「この四菩薩は折伏を現じる時は、賢王となって愚王を誡責し、摂受を行ずる時は僧と成って正法を弘持する。」 (観心本尊鈔)
「此の時地涌千界出現して、本門の釈尊の脇士と為りて、一閻浮提第一の本尊を此の国に立つべし」 (観心本尊鈔)
Individual slanderers • Families of slanderers • Country of slanderers (as outlined in Letter to Akimoto). The Mandala Gohonzon is map that connects our present outer world with timeless inner world of the Eternal Buddha. But we can also create ‘virtual mandalas’ of virtue that can bring peace into our world.
個人の中傷者 • 中傷者の家族 • 中傷者の国 (秋元への手紙で概説)。曼荼羅御本尊は、私たちの現在の外界と永遠の仏陀の内界を結ぶ地図です。しかし、世界に平和をもたらす美徳の「仮想マンダラ」を作成することもできます。
- A Mandala as family: when the head of the household uploads the values of the
Odaimoku and the spiritual power associated with it, these values become the family tradition.
1) 家族としてのマンダラ: 世帯主がマンダラの値をアップロードするとき、お題目とそれに関連する精神的な力、これらの価値観は家族の伝統になります.
- A mandala as a religious group: upholding the teachings of the order the values of Nichiren Buddhism become the group tradition.
2) 宗教団体としての曼荼羅:教団の教えを守り、日蓮仏教の価値観を団体の伝統とする。
- A mandala as nation: the values of Nichiren Buddhism become the tradition of the nation.
3) 国としての曼荼羅:日蓮仏教の価値観が国の伝統となる。
Only when one understands all this clearly and believes in it can the Law manifest its power and the Buddhas and bodhisattvas bring benefit to the people. To illustrate, in kindling a fire, three things are needed: a good piece of steel, a good flint, and good tinder. The same is true of prayer. Three things are required
—a good teacher, a good believer, and a good teaching—before prayers can be effective and disasters banished from the land.
— How Those Initially Aspiring to the Way Can Attain Buddhahood through the Lotus Sutra
(法華初心成仏抄) WND 1, 110, p 872
このすべてを明確に理解し、それを信じて初めて、法はその力を発揮し、仏と菩薩は人々に利益をもたらすことができます. たとえば、火をつけるには、良い鋼片、良い火打石、良い火口の 3 つが必要です。祈りも同じです。必要なものは3つ、良い教師、良い信者、そして良い教え、祈りが効果的になり、災害が土地から追放される前に。
— 道を志す者が法華経を経て成仏する方法
(法華初心成仏) WND 1, 110, p 872
Due to my faith in the Lotus Sutra, I was able to see things before they actually took place. What is the meaning of “appearances of all phenomena as they are” as stated in the Lotus Sutra? Since “appearance” is mentioned first among the 10 factors of existence, it is the most important among them and the Buddha has come into this world in order to expound it. The appearance of a thing represents its reality. So, we can grasp its reality when we see through its appearance clearly, and in turn we can predict what would happen in the future. This is what Grand Master Miao-lê meant when he said that wise men know the cause of phenomena, and snakes only know about snakes
法華経を信じていたので、物事が実際に起こる前に見ることができました。法華経にある「万物ありのままに現れる」とはどういう意味ですか? 「姿」は存在十要素の中で最初に挙げられているので、その中で最も重要であり、仏陀はそれを説明するためにこの世に来ました。ものの外観は、その現実を表します。ですから、その姿をはっきりと見通すことで現実を把握することができ、ひいては将来何が起こるかを予測することができます。これは、妙楽大師が賢者は現象の原因を知っており、蛇は蛇についてしか知らないと言ったときに意味したものです。
Rivers come together to form an ocean. Particles of dust accumulate to become Mt. Sumeru. When I, Nichiren, began having faith in the Lotus Sutra, it was like a drop of water or a particle of dust in Japan. However, when the sutra is chanted and transmitted to two, three, ten, a million, and a billion people, it will grow to be a Mt. Sumeru of perfect enlightenment or the great ocean of Nirvana. There is no way other than this to reach Buddhahood.”
Selecting the Right Time (撰時抄) ST 181 WONS Volume 1, p 221
撰時抄 ST 181 WONS Volume 1, p 221
When the body bends, so does the shadow.
Comparison of the Lotus and other Sutras (諸経与法華経難易事)
In this way the Buddhist teachings of Japan came to be unified in a single school. The secular rule likewise was not divided but clearly established, so that the nation was purified of evil.
- On the Four Stages of Faith and the Five Stages of Practice (四信五品抄)
このようにして、日本の仏教の教えは一つの流派に統一されるようになりました。 世俗の規則も同様に分割されず、明確に確立されたため、国は悪から清められました。
— 信仰の四段階と実践の五段階について (四信五品抄)
If one uses the Lotus Sutra to pray for the welfare of the land, it will prove to be a great pure Law that will secure and protect the nation, insuring joy and prosperity to everyone from the ruler on down to the common people.
How Those Initially Aspiring to the Way Can Attain Buddhahood through the Lotus Sutra
The fate of Japan rests completely on Nichiren.
- The Various Conduct of Devoted Followers (種種御振舞御書)
Regarding the kaidan, center for the practice of the Lotus Sutra, should it not be established at the most outstanding place resembling the Pure Land of Mt.
Sacred Eagle with the blessing of an imperial edict and a shogunal directive? Should it not be at such a time when the laws of the kingdom and Buddha Dharmas are in perfect accord, with both the king and his subjects all believing in the Three Great Secret Dharmas revealed in the essential section of the Lotus Sutra, and when the meritorious works of King Virtuous* and Monk Virtue Consciousness* in the past recur in the evil and corrupt world in the Latter Age of Degeneration? We have to wait for the opportune time for its realization. This is what we call the actual precept platform, ji-no-kaidan, where all the people of India, China, and Japan as well as of the Sahā World should repent their sins.
Furthermore, such heavenly beings as the great King of the Brahma Heaven and Indra should come to assemble to practice the Lotus teaching.
- The Transmission of the Three Great Secret Dharmas (三大秘法稟承事) WONS 2, 2nd Edition, p 287, ST 403
詔勅と幕府の詔勅を授かった聖鷲? 国の法と仏法が完全に一致し、国王も臣下も皆法華経の要部に示された三大秘法を信じ、キング・バーチャス*とモンク・バーチュー・コンシャスネス*の過去の功績は、退化後期の邪悪で腐敗した世界で繰り返されますか? その実現の好機を待たなければなりません。これが、インド、中国、日本、そしてサハ世界のすべての人々が罪を悔い改めるべき実際の教訓プラットフォーム、地の戒壇と呼ばれるものです。
— 三大秘法稟承事 (三大秘法稟承事) WONS 2、第 2 版、p 287、ST 403
When the values of the Three Great Secret Laws become the values of Japan, the next step is spreading those values from Japan to the world, bringing peace and the values of the Buddha’s Pure Land into this one.
- A Mandala as our world: (Japan as the nucleus attracting people of the world) joining together in peace and revealing the pure world of the Buddha to others, becoming a foundation of purifying wind spreading ever-lasting bliss.
4) 世界としての曼荼羅: (日本を核として世界の人々を引き寄せる) 平和に集まり、仏の純粋な世界を他の人に明らかにし、永遠の至福を広げる浄化の風の基盤となる.
You should know this! When these four great bodhisattvas, leaders of those who sprung up from underground, spread this sutra through aggressive means of propagation, * they would appear as wise kings reproaching ignorant kings.
Practicing a persuasive means of propagation, * they would be monks upholding and spreading the True Dharma.
あなたはこれを知っているべきです! この四大菩薩、地下から湧き出た者の指導者が、この経典を積極的な布教によって広めたとき、無知な王を非難する賢王として現れました。
This is the very time when original disciples of the Buddha should spring up from underground, attend both sides of the Eternal Buddha revealed in the essential section of the Lotus Sutra, and establish in this land of Japan the supreme honzon in the world.
— Spiritual Contemplation and the Most Venerable (観心本尊抄) WONS Vol 2, p 160-161
— 精神的な熟考と最も尊い (観心本尊抄) WONS Vol 2, p 160-161
The essential concepts of Nichiren Shonin are here. Especially in his last years it was a public showdown as he was in a hurry to collect materials and educate his disciples. He wanted to settle things in his lifetime and connect it to the next generation. In 1259 at the age of 57 he wrote:
日蓮聖人の本質的な概念がここにあります。特に晩年は資料集めや弟子の教育を急いでいたため公開対決の機運が高まった。彼は生きているうちに物事を解決し、次の世代につなげたいと思っていました。1259 年に 57 歳で彼は次のように書いています。
My lifelong prayer and desire to have a public debate will be fulfilled. What is more, the prediction of the Buddha prophesying the propagation of this sutra throughout the world in the fifth 500– year period after His death will be realized exactly as predicted. After all is said and done, when [the government] convenes the Shingon and Zen priests to debate with me, Nichiren, regarding the correct
and incorrect interpretations of the Dharma, all the people of Japan will become my disciples and followers. Then, my disciples will become the teachers of the Emperor and former Emperors, and my followers will be vassals lining up to the right and left. Most importantly, everyone in the world will begin to have faith in this sutra. How delightful it will be!
— Reply to the Followers (諸人御返事) WONS 5, p 115
公開討論をしたいという私の生涯にわたる祈りと願いはかなえられます。しかも、釈尊の死後五百年後、この経典が世界に広まると予言した仏陀の予言は、まさにその予言通りに成就するであろう。結局のところ、[政府] が真言宗と禅僧を招集して、私、日蓮と正しいことについて議論するとき、日本のすべての人々が私の弟子となり、信者となるでしょう。そして、弟子は天皇や先帝の師となり、従者は左右に並ぶ家臣となる。最も重要なことは、世界中の誰もがこの経典を信じるようになることです。なんて楽しいことでしょう!
— フォロワーへの返信 (諸人御返事) WONS 5, p 115
In that public setting he talked about the dawning of a new age.
When all the people under heaven and the various schools of Buddhism are converted to the One Vehicle teaching of the Lotus Sutra, and when only the Lotus Sutra flourishes and all the people recite Namu Myōhō Renge Kyō in unison, the howling wind will not blow on the branches, falling rain will not erode the soil, and the world will become as ideal as during the reigns of Emperors Fu- hsi and Shen-nung of ancient China. A time is coming when calamities cease to exist, people live long, and people and the land they live in become eternal.
There should be no doubt about the peaceful life in this world as promised in the Lotus Sutra.
— The True Way of Practicing the Teaching of the Buddha (如説修行抄) WONS Vol 4, p 90
— 仏陀の教えを実践する真の方法 (如説修行抄) WONS Vol 4, p 90
This is Nichiren Shonin’s last will and testament, and gift to the world.
The disappearance of the Bodhisattvas from Underground represents nothing but darkness for the state of humankind. We have to make this country the land of the Great Mandala that Nichiren Shonin longed for and achieve the idea of the Pure Land of the Buddha.
The recent government policy is promoting Japan as country for tourism. The Prime Minister’s advisory body suggests that the sight of people living happily is a tourist resource. People all over the world come to see the life of the Japanese people shining in happiness. The wording practically anticipates the manifestation of the Pure Land in the future.
In the 21st century the Three Great Secret Teachings of Nichiren Buddhism, the spread of spiritualized cultural values that achieve a fulfilling spiritualized life and society, create a safe and peaceful society for our world.
Translated from Japanese by Kanjo Bassett
Kanjo Bassettによる日本語からの翻訳
(Translators note: The original Japanese article appeared in the SHUHO October 2021 issue #391 (p42~53). SHUHO is a monthly magazine published by Nichiren Shu sent to all Nichiren Shu temples and priests who comprise its readership. The intended target audience of Rev. Miura’s piece: the All Japan Propagation Ministers Association, a Nichiren Shu based organization for researching and discussing current domestic propagation issues and policy. Though his article was written for Nichiren Shu priests propagating in Japan, Rev. Miura wanted his message to be available to a wider audience for worldwide propagation efforts.)
(翻訳者注: 元の日本語の記事は、SHUHO 2021 年 10 月号 #391 (p42~53) に掲載されています。SHUHO は、日蓮宗が発行する月刊誌で、その読者層を構成するすべての日蓮宗の寺院と僧侶に送られます。
三浦師の著作:、現在の国内布教問題と政策を研究し、議論するための日蓮宗を拠点とする組織である、日蓮宗全国布教師会連合会員として、彼の記事は日本で布教している日蓮宗の僧侶のために書かれましたが、三浦師は彼のメッセージを利用できるようにしたかったのです. 世界的な普及活動のために、より多くの聴衆に。)
南無の三義・立正大学 ○○教授
メイルアドレス e-otera@hitonavi1176.com
郵便振替 02310-4-1269 (善慶寺)
龍王寺復興奉賛会 02300-2-26968
・Reference materials
Myoho-Renge-Kyo Shinkan both readings Heiraku-ji version
Nichiren Saints Complete Testament, Honka Scriptures Promotion Society Edition
Nichiren Saint Nichiren's Testament Lecture / Japan Buddhist Book Publishing Association
・Reference articles
Namu's Sangi Rissho University ○○ Professor
Commentary on Shitoku Haramita by His Holiness Kosahichi
Commentary on the principal image of the Great Mandala
- Spiritualization is a registered trademark. Religious education, workshops (including the Internet), printing, copying and other rights belong to their owners and are protected by law.
"Please handle with care."
・The author has the task of rebuilding, restoring, and supporting the temple. We kindly ask for your patience and cooperation.
・If you would like to hold a workshop, please contact us below.
Author: Eshin Miura
4-1 Kitahama-cho, Yamada-cho, Shimohei-gun, Iwate Prefecture
Email address: e-otera@hitonavi1176.com
Postal transfer 02310-4-1269 (Zenkeiji)
Ryuoji Restoration Support Association 02300-2-26968